Grinfeld Fine Arts Auctions
The world leader on the Internet to auction Fine Art Works from Argentina


How do I sell art at Grinfeld?

There are two ways how you can sell your fine art works in Grinfeld.

1 - Through Auction
Through the Grinfeld Fine Arts Auctions web site. To do so you must register and login, at such web site, and place your fine art work for auction via the link Sell a fine art work. Placing your fine art work for auction is free. You can place your fine art work for auction during a period of 1 to 15 days. In case your fine art work does not sale you can repeat your auction up to 24 times. The contact between sellers and buyers is direct. You are not obliged to sell if after the auction is closed you do not want to sell. In case your fine art work sells, at Grinfeld Auction, the commission to Grinfeld is 10% and it is paid by the seller.

2 - Through Direct Sale
Placing your fine art work, or a portfolio of your fine art works, for direct sale, not auction, at the main Grinfeld site. In this case there is a monthly fee of US$24 for a maximum of 12 fine art works. After 12 fine art works the charge for each extra work to be offered, for direct sale, is of US$2 for each work. The initial cost for set up of the portfolio is of US$30 for a maximum of 12 works plus US$2.50 for each extra work. In case of making changes later on, the cost per work to be changed is US$2.50. The commission to Grinfeld for a fine art work sold is 10% and it is paid by the seller. To place a portfolio for direct sale at GRINFELD main site includes the Grinfeld™ Implemented Viewing System, for Fine Art Works on the internet, which allows precise viewing of images\\\' details at unsurpassed quality levels. The system allows zoom in and out as well as full image view.


How to publish a fine art work for selling via AUCTION

How to publish a fine art work for selling
