GRINFELD - Fine Arts Auctions - Subastas de Arte "Conexion" de la seria "Destinos desvanecidos"
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Grinfeld Fine Arts Auctions
The world leader on the Internet to auction Fine Art Works from Argentina

  New York Date and Time: Oct 22, 2024 17:12:03

Fine Art Work category: All Categories > Paintings > Oils
"Conexion" de la seria "Destinos desvanecidos"

Yamil Picco

70 x 100

Year 2023

Auction Lot #: 206

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  This Fine Art Work has been viewed 4699 times
Fine Art Work Description / About the Artist    
Auction type: Standard Auction
Seller location: Argentina
Ends in: 22 days, 12 hours
(Nov 14, 2024 - 05:37)
Quantity of bids made: 0
Current Bid: USD 1,500.00 Reserve not met
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Meet the seller
  Yamil85 (0)
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  • Member since 02/10/2021
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    Fine Art Work Description / About the Artist

    Bajo el cielo enmarañado de luces,
    la joven se desliza con pasos enigmáticos,
    su sombra danza con la naturaleza,
    entre las piedras que hablan en susurros místicos.

    La conexión invisible, hechizante,
    teje hilos de un mundo alterno,
    donde la escena se desvanece en la bruma,
    y los colores se funden en un eterno retorno.

    ¿Es ella quien guía a las criaturas,
    o son ellas quienes trazan su sendero?
    En el vínculo etéreo de sus siluetas,
    la fantasía y la realidad se entrelazan.

    Images of this fine art work

    Additional Information
    City, State, Country and Zip Code: Villa de las Rosas - Argentina - (5885)
    Shipping conditions: Seller pays shipping expenses, International shipping OK

    Payment methods: Bank Transfer, PayPal, VISA, MASTERCARD, BITCOIN, American Express
    Starting Bid: USD 1,500.00

    Auction started: Oct 15, 2024 - 05:37
    Auction ends: Nov 14, 2024 - 05:37
    Auction Lot #: 206

    Fine Art Work category: All Categories > Paintings > Oils

    Grinfeld Fine Arts Auctions
    The best way to buy and sell Fine Art Works from Argentina